Thursday, December 06, 2007


My wife hated my red shoulder bag that I used to carry to office. I always agreed with her that it does not look so great, but sheer laziness prevented me from buying a new bag even after it tore partially, because of the heavy library books that I carried in it(which I usually don't manage to read).

Finally on a spending-spree-evening, we set out to buy a new bag. I found a decent one. My wife was happy mainly because it was not red.

The next morning to office was interesting in the sense that I discovered some new things about my own mind. My eyes started scanning the shoulder bags of my colleagues and other people in my office campus ! My mind started comparing the colors, looks, features. A faint whiff of discontent passed me.

I always believed comparison is bad. Especially for trivial things. How easy is it for the mind to take roads that the intellect does not like ! Talking about comparison, I think a major part of the stress that we swallow in modern times is because of comparisons that we unknowingly make with people and their possessions around us.

Comparison coupled with greed is evil.